Thursday, February 20, 2025 Educational Meeting
at the Der Dutchman.
Der Dutchman Banquet Center, 445 S. Jefferson Ave., Route 42, Plain City, Ohio 43064
(Memberships are annual and expire the last day of December each year. So, if you have not joined or renewed your membership, whether attending this meeting or not, you may do so here.)
9:00 am: Registration and Welcome (Reminder: the room will not be open/available until 9:00)
10:00 am: Operation of Public Use Drones - Chief Douglas Gill Jr, Chief of Police, New Lexington
11:00 am: Nuisance Abatement Programs - Sarah Pomeroy, Assistant City Attorney, City of Columbus
12:00 pm: Lunch
1:00 pm: Condemnations A to Z – Jeremy Hessel, Director of Environmental Health, Hamilton County Public Health
2:00 pm: BBS Cert Program/ Rule Changes – Megan Foley, Professional Development Director, Board of Building Standards
Cost is $45.00 per person for members who are current.
Cost is $70.00 per person for renewing members and non-members.
Register through the website by selecting the options below.