February 15, 2018
Healthy Homes
Asbestos and Lead: Potential Issues
Code Officer Winter Safety
Recycling and Litter Prevention Grants
August 17, 2017
Legal Aspects: Retaliatory Evictions
Presented by Ben Horne of the Legal Aid Society of Columbus.
Litter/Illegal Dumping Resources
Presented by Heather Robinson, et. al. of the Franklin County Environmental Crimes TaskForce.
Public Health Issues in Housing & Vectors
Presented by Tucker Stone of the Hamilton County Public Health Department.
May 18, 2017
Noxious Weeds: Ecological Impact & Alternatives
A review of the ecological role of 'noxious' vegetation and the specific impact on Monarch butterfly populations. A discussion of alternative control measures and exemption tools.
Invasive Plant Species: Identification and Awareness
An overview of some of the common invasive species of plants and resources for properly identifying these vegetative materials.
SecureView: Product Review
An overview of polycarbonate material being used to secure vacant/foreclosed structures.
Summer Safety Tips for the Code Officer
A presentation dedicated to increasing familiarity with the safety tips for Code Enforcement Officers and the general public.
February 16, 2017
Fire Service Tools for the Code Enforcement Inspector
A review of techniques, services, and role of the State Fire Marshal’s office; including a discussion of how local code enforcement officers can interact with the agency in promoting safe communities and code compliant structures.
Demolition: Best Practices & Funding Systems
An overview of some of the prevailing processes and procedures in place to demolish nuisance properties as well as a brief update on existing funding mechanisms for these activities.
Fundamentals: Structural Nomenclature
A presentation dedicated to increasing familiarity with the roof structure; including correct terminology for identifying roof styles, coverings, deterioration patterns, and other characteristics to be aware of when addressing the roof system.
November 17, 2016
Legal Aspects: Legal Aid as a Partner for Compliance
A review of techniques, services, and legal tools being used by the Legal Aid Society of Columbus to help residents and code enforcement officers (indirectly) address housing code violations, retalitory evictions and other issues facing local residents.
Emergency Vacate Procedures & Resources
An overview of some of the prevailing processes and procedures in place for identifying when to order a property/structure vacated of its occupants. Including a review of Uniform Relocation Act, local regulations/implementation issues and processes; and a review of possible partners like the American Red Cross for situations where large-scale evacuations are necessary.
Carbon Monoxide Safety
A presentation of the more common carbon monoxide safety elements/concerns that may come before local code officers.
Emerging Code Issues: Sustainability
A presentation introducing the emerging code enforcement/property maintenance issues related to the concept of Sustainability as its being encouraged in these modern times and community development and reinvestment.